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Saturday, April 22, 2006

New GNOME Does Search Right

New GNOME Does Search Right: "'For years now, the Linux and open-source desktop has had the benefit of multiple software projects pushing forward to create nicer-looking, more useful environments. One of the most prominent of those projects, GNOME, recently underwent one of its twice-yearly updates, and the result is a compelling set of refinements. The newest version of GNOME, 2.14, now graces the desktop of Red Hat's Fedora Core 5 and other shipping and soon-to-arrive Linux distributions.'"

New GNOME Does Search Right

New GNOME Does Search Right: "'For years now, the Linux and open-source desktop has had the benefit of multiple software projects pushing forward to create nicer-looking, more useful environments. One of the most prominent of those projects, GNOME, recently underwent one of its twice-yearly updates, and the result is a compelling set of refinements. The newest version of GNOME, 2.14, now graces the desktop of Red Hat's Fedora Core 5 and other shipping and soon-to-arrive Linux distributions.'"

SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Released

SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Released: "The latest release candidate for SUSE Linux OSS 10.1, RC2, has been released. 'I'm glad to announce SUSE Linux 10.1 Codename 'Agama Lizard' RC2. We have fixed the majority of bugs from RC1 and will release an RC3 next week. During the RC phase, we only provide delta ISOs of the media and update the factory tree as well.'"

SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Released

SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Released: "The latest release candidate for SUSE Linux OSS 10.1, RC2, has been released. 'I'm glad to announce SUSE Linux 10.1 Codename 'Agama Lizard' RC2. We have fixed the majority of bugs from RC1 and will release an RC3 next week. During the RC phase, we only provide delta ISOs of the media and update the factory tree as well.'"

Apple Upgrades Recycling Program

Apple Upgrades Recycling Program: "Apple has announced a nice upgrade to their recycling program. Starting in June, new Apple computers purchased either online or at a Apple Store will receive free shipping and eco-friendly disposal of old PCs or laptops. Also announced is that the fifth generation iPods—including the video, nano and shuffle—are 100 percent compliant with the RoHS hazardous material standards that are in place in Europe and California. "

Monday, April 17, 2006

Google Calendar is live and it rocks

Google Calendar is live and it rocks: "

You read that right. Google Calendar is finally—finally!—live. Somewhat surprisingly, it's dropped the 'CL2' moniker it had during development, and very unsurprisingly the logo says BETA. Brad Hill over at the Unofficial Google Weblog has written up a nice review of Google Calendar in which he says 'it rocks,' it's 'brain-dead simple to use,' and 'as of today I have used Yahoo! Calendar for the last time.' I've given it a few pokes and though it would be perhaps too bold of me to predict that Google Calendar will do for web-based calendars what Gmail did for webmail, I will say that it's a great piece of work and suddently Yahoo! has a lot of catching up to do. Head over to TUGW for Brad's full review or go straight to to get started. That is, as long as the site's not completely hosed by the time you read this."

Make Sure The New PC You're Buying Can Handle Vista

Make Sure The New PC You're Buying Can Handle Vista: "

Wall Street Journal's tech columnist Walter Mossberg is doing their Annual Buying Guide and put together a feature on how to tell if the new computer you're getting this spring will be be able to run Microsoft's Vista operating system, due out next January. He points out that just because machines on the market now have Vista Capable stickers on them doesn't mean they'll actually be able to run Vista proper:

If you have a computer with the weaker specs, Vista will still give you enhanced security and built-in desktop search. But you won't get the dramatic new graphical look and feel that makes Vista look more like the Mac OS. Your computer will look like an evolved version of Windows XP, and it will probably run only the wimpiest edition of Vista, called Home Basic.

His basic advice: get a Mac or wait till next year to get a PC with Vista on it. If you have to get a machine now, Mossberg lists the sets of specs you'll need to run Home Basic and full Vista.

Firefox Released

Firefox Released: Firefox was released yesterday with security fixes and improvements to product stability, so don't walk but run to download it.

Those of you with new Intel Core processor Macs, this version comes in a Universal Binary with native support for your machines; The Apple Blog says, 'If you load it on your Intel-based Mac, you'll see that it's much, much faster. The browser loads and appears, ready to go, in one 'bounce'.'

300 freeware utilities for any task

300 freeware utilities for any task: "
Need to burn a CD? Manage your wallpapers? Undelete a file? Keep a to-do list? Here's a big list of freeware apps for Windows that will help you do those things and about 300 other tasks. It's a pretty nice list hand-selected by humans. I've got it bookmarked for the next time I need an app for some one-off task but don't want to spend an hour browsing shareware sites.